Timeline Stories

می 1, 2017
kharmohre workshop ورکشاپ خرمهره

A New Era

From 1999 to 2016 the activities of the center was mostly focused on the marketplace needs. The improvement of the production techniques and expansion of the business..Read More
ژوئن 2, 1999

International Recognition

In 1999, following the research done by american scholars on Qom-Technique, researchers at University of Kassel got together to uncover the mysteries of the oldest known type of..Read More
فوریه 2, 1999

Continuing the Legacy

In 1999, Seyed Mohammad Saadatmand passed away. His death was a big loss for his family especially for Seyed Abolghasem, Mohammad’s third son, who had worked with..Read More
سپتامبر 4, 1989

The Bright Days

Seyed Abolghasem revitalized the center by selling the products nationally and internationally. The uprising energy, enthusiasm and optimism between staff encouraged Seyed Mohammad and Seyed Abolghasem to dream one..Read More